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Les rivaux, au sujet de Kajetanowicz et sa deuxième couronne ERC


Publié 30/09/2016 à 09:41 GMT+2



Crédit: Eurosport

Un homme s'est montré particulièrement coriace face au Champion d'Europe FIA des Rallyes : Alexey Lukyanuk. Le Russe, qui s'est imposé lors de la manche d'ouverture aux Îles Canaries, a en effet longtemps fait figure de favori pour tenter de faire dérailler le train Kajetanowicz.


Crédit: ERC

Kajetanowicz estime que Lukyanuk fut l'un des plus sérieux rivaux jamais affrontés, et sans aucun doute le plus rapide. L'intéressé n'est pas lui non plus avare en compliments.

"La raison pour laquelle Kajto est fort, c'est qu'il s is good is that he is both quick and consistent,” he said. “I can be quick too but he has been more consistent, and this is why he is champion again. You have to try really hard if you want to beat him. And this is what I did, but it didn’t always work out.”

Had things panned out a little bit differently, then it could have been Lukyanuk with ERC winner’s trophy – but he doesn’t see it that way. “Kajto deserves this title; I think he judged it very well and we had some very close battles all year,” added the Russian. “In the end, that’s the important thing. And hopefully we can both come back and do it all again next year.”
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